Withernsea High School

Withernsea High School

Inspiring confident young people to thrive in a changing world


  1. News
  2. May 2024
  3. Board for Change - Latest Updates

Board for Change - Latest Updates

13 May 2024 (by admin)

It's been a busy few weeks for the members of our student-led Board for Change. Work has included bike shed improvements, a mountain biking trip to Dalby Forest and peer-to-peer support for students accessing exercise opportunities.

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Active Travel Ambassadors oversee bike shelter improvements

After consulting students across the school, our Active Travel Ambassadors found that a number of their peers were opting out of travelling to school on a bike or a scooter due to lack of suitable parking space for scooters and worries that people might interfere with their bikes.

The ambassadors raised these issues at a Board for Change meeting where it was decided that the bike shelters should be locked between 9.10am-2.50pm, with scooter pods installed for those who want to scoot to school. 

To remedy these issues, and in partnership with the East Riding Road Safety Team and Modeshift, new security locks have been added to the bike shelters and a number of ‘scooter pods’ have been donated to aid with scooter storage.

As part of their mission to get more people cycling to school, the ambassadors also expressed a desire for the bike shelters to be given a deep clean. This was subsequently done by the ambassadors themselves along with Dan Lythe of ‘Lythe Cleaning Service’ who volunteered his time and resources to help the students achieve their goal.



Active Humber Ambassadors support girls accessing exercise

The Active Humber ambassadors recently met with the new cohort of girls attending this year’s Girls’ Carousel of physical activity.

The purpose of the carousel is to offer its participants access to a range of activities including Junior Gym, MX4 (a new motivational fitness activity), Pilates/Mindfulness and Badminton. These activities have been chosen for the availability of exit routes after the event, allowing for continuation should anyone wish to do so.

The ambassadors ran through key information about the programme and answered any questions the girls had. They talked about their experiences and made the girls feel comfortable and confident in preparation for their first session. 

School Ambassadors enjoy a day at Dalby Forest

Twelve of our Board for Change members recently enjoyed a day of mountain biking in Dalby Forest. Activities included a skills session; learning about body positioning, turning, and feathering of the brakes. These were followed by long rides on the forest’s blue (intermediate) and red (proficient) runs.    

More about the Board... 

Comprising representatives from each year group, and ambassadors from sub-groups focussing on Health, Careers, Active Travel and Sport, the members of the Board for Change take an active role in the life of the school, working collectively to help make significant changes for the benefit of their peers. 

These students are not only passionate about leading change in the areas they specialise in, they are also role models and a point of contact for fellow students – building an effective communication link between the student body and the staff.

You can find out more about the Board for Change on their dedicated webpage, under the Student menu on the school website.  

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