Withernsea High School

Withernsea High School

Inspiring confident young people to thrive in a changing world


  1. News
  2. July 2024
  3. ERP students reap the rewards of outdoor learning  

ERP students reap the rewards of outdoor learning  

15 July 2024 (by admin)

Students from the school’s ERP (Enhanced Resource Provision) unit are celebrating their first successful harvest of homegrown vegetables.

Over the past few months, the students have been invested in maintaining their outdoor classroom by growing various plants and vegetables. Today, Monday 15th July, the students picked their first crop of vegetables which will be given away for free in the school canteen this week.

Head of Additional Provision, John Blades, said: “Harvest commenced this morning, after a period of unsettled weather over the past couple of weeks. Over 300 pea pods were picked, alongside spring onions and wonky carrots! Each student from the ERP has been heavily involved from start to finish, which is a credit to each and every one of them. 

“Our outdoor classroom was developed just over a year ago to support students with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs. This outdoor learning approach not only gives the students a sense of ownership, but also an end goal in seeing a final product.”

Opened in September 2022, the ERP unit caters for learners with SEMH needs – a type of Special Educational Need where a child can often have difficulties in managing their emotions or behaviour, causing them to feel scared, anxious or misunderstood.

Students are supported through individual EHCP (Education Health and Care) Plans which describe their needs, the support they require, and the outcomes they would like to achieve. Crucially, the support of this process within the ERP unit means that students are able to continue their education in a mainstream school, with a view of eventual reintegration back into regular classroom settings. 

Mr Blades added: “We offer a bespoke curriculum, differentiated to the needs of each individual learner, with the aim of helping them regain access to main school lessons to learn alongside their peers. To help prepare them for this, a number of students currently enjoy a package of hybrid learning which sees them split their time between the ERP unit and mainstream lessons.

“Our outdoor classroom complements this by offering the students ownership of a breakout space for the benefit of their mental health and well-being at times of sensory overload. As an oasis of calm, it provides a safe place where students can self-regulate before returning back to their classroom. It also offers students an opportunity to enjoy hands-on learning that teaches self-sufficiency and adaptation to different forms of learning.”

Featuring four raised beds, with their timber frames renewed and each of them dug over by a community team from Centrica in May 2023, the garden has become widely used and a popular addition to the unit's provision. 

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