Withernsea High School

Withernsea High School

Inspiring confident young people to thrive in a changing world

Mrs S O'Hare

Mrs S O'Hare
Status: Active  

Date Appointed:
22nd March 2023

Current term of office ends:
21st March 2027

Appointing body:
Governing Body 

Position of responsibility: 
Committee Governor 

Committees serving on: 
• Curriculum 
• Behaviour and Attitudes 

Voting rights:

Special responsibilities: 

Links to development areas: 
Pupil Premium - Look After / Post Looked After 

Governance roles in other educational institutions: 
None to declare 

Pecuniary interests: 
None to declare

Relationships to staff: 
None to declare 


 "As a governor I am part of the Withernsea High School team of staff and governors which shapes the future for all students and the local community.

I have over 40 years experience in Education as a Deputy Principal, Associate Principal (Secondary), Director of a Teaching School and Strategic and Operational Lead in a Multi–academy Trust, working in Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire and N.E. Lincolnshire.

My expertise is in Secondary Education, HR, School Improvement, Quality Assurance, Academy Conversion and Governance."

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