Withernsea High School

Withernsea High School

Inspiring confident young people to thrive in a changing world

Mrs J Allen

Mrs J Allen
Status: Active  

Date Appointed:
4th March 2022

Current term of office ends:
3rd March 2026

Appointing body:
Parent Governor 

Position of responsibility: 
Committee Governor 

Committees serving on: 

• Finance and Premises
• Curriculum
• Behaviour and Attitudes 

Voting rights: 

Special responsibilities: 
Parent Engagement 

Links to development areas: 

Governance roles in other educational institutions: 
None to declare

Pecuniary interests: 
None to declare

Relationships to staff: 
None to declare 


"As of March 2024, I have been a Parent Governor for two years and enjoy being involved in important decisions being made for the school.

I have a special interest in the school as my eldest son attends and is currently (May 2024) sitting his GCSEs. The school have been very supportive and their attitude to learning, and striving to support all students in achieving their potential, has been fantastic to see.

I have two more sons who will be attending Withernsea High School in the very near future and so I am committed to helping to support the school in all the exciting changes potentially coming our way

I enjoy long dog walks, days out with my children, going to the beach as often as possible and going to the gym (although a lot less than everything else!)"

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