Withernsea High School

Withernsea High School

Inspiring confident young people to thrive in a changing world

Mr M Crofts

Mr M Crofts
Status: Active  

Date Appointed:
1st April 2018

Current term of office ends:
Governor whilst Headteacher 

Appointing body:
Full Governing Body 

Position of responsibility: 

Committees serving on: 
• Curriculum 
• Finance and Premises 
• Behaviour and Attitudes 
• Pay and Personnel

Voting rights: 

Special responsibilities: 

• Safeguarding
• Whistleblowing 
• Well-being

Links to development areas: 

• Maths
• Science
• English
• Humanities 

Governance roles in other educational institutions: 
None to declare

Pecuniary interests: 
None to declare

Relationships to staff: 
Daughter, Iona Crofts, is a Teaching Assistant at the school. 


"Qualified as a geography teacher in 1995.

Taught at Perronet Thompson, Driffield School, Head of Department at Malet Lambert.

Joined Withernsea in 2006 as Assistant Headteacher.

Enjoys making the most of the local area through cycling and walking. Loves climbing, being in the mountains and exploring wild places, including on our doorstep."

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